Wednesday Worship
Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, - Ephesians 5:19
The Wednesday Worship Service is the main gathering time of our week. We offer a free dinner at 6pm, and proceed into a time of lively, contemporary music, led by our student praise band. We also use a few traditional elements of worship, as well as an engaging, relevant message, delivered by our campus minister. We strive to make Weds worship the best hour of the week for all our students (members and guests).
There are no expectations when you come to experience a worship service at the Wesley for the first time. You can count on feeling welcome no matter what. Worship is a time of prayer, reflection, and peace to carry into the rest of the week. All you need to do is come with an open heart to receive the word.
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works - Hebrews 10:24
Fellowship events and activities are the main way to grow relationships with fellow Wesley members, make new friends, and to unwind from busy college life here at the Wesley. Our fellowship chair on our Wesley Leadership Council works hard to schedule fun events such as holiday parties, lip sync battles, kickball tournaments, movie nights, game nights, lock-ins, and so much more. We also engage with school-run events or team up with other campus ministries to scale up the fun! Visit us on campus, or contact us by email or phone to learn about our upcoming events so you can join us at the next one!

Small Groups
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them - Mathew 18:20
Explore your faith in the company of friends by joining one of our small groups! Small groups or bible studies are another way to grow your faith at the Wesley. Topics are chosen by students and small groups are led by students, ensuring that the small group setting is one in which members are engaging in relevant and meaningful discussions. Small groups are also safe spaces to ask your friends to pray with you about the week's hardships or to thank God with you about the week's blessings.
Contact the Wesley to see what small group fits your schedule or to ask about leading your own!
Service Projects
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven. - Mathew 5:16
"The Measure of a Life is it's Service"
The SHSU Wesley supports the Sam Houston State motto and emphasis on the importance of service. Our members are a workforce to make our community a better place where ever it needs it; if assistance is needed, The Wesley will answer the call. We also participate in events/organizations such as UM Army, All paws in, FUMC's Great day of service, Good Shepherd Mission, Habitat for Humanity, and SHSU food pantry. Even if you are not involved in our Wednesday worship, the Wesley is a fantastic outlet to find ways to serve the community with students like you.

And he said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while." For amny were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. - Mark 6:31
For each semester at Sam, fall and spring, the SHSU Wesley has a retreat. Our fall retreat is for the SHSU Wesley only, where members old and new can become closer and who we are as an organization can grow stronger. All-campus retreat comes around every spring and it includes Wesley organizations from other nearby universities. We all come together to meet one another at Sky Ranch for outdoor activities, worship, and small groups throughout the weekend. In addition to these retreats, there is a leadership retreat where the Wesley student council will meet to plan a semester of fun, service, and worship, and there is the UM Army service retreat in early summer.
Visit the Wesley to get the details on all these retreats or contact us!