Help us meet our GOAL!
Your generous donations help the Wesley Campus Ministry at Sam Houston serve the community and nurture the students within the Wesley.
With your donated funds, we can complete our mission goals, serve in the Hunstville community, engage in fellowship & worship together, and keep the Wesley a functioning space to be a home away from home for our students.

Attention all shoppers!

If you do your shopping at Kroger, anywhere in the USA, you can set your Kroger card to tell them you want a portion of all purchases to go the Wesley. Register every year at! Our Organization code is #LC384.
Here's How to:
- Go to:
- Click on the REGISTER button
- Find COMMUNITY REWARDS section, enter the Organization Number LC384. It should come up as SAM HOUSTON WESLEY FOUNDATION.
- You will need to put in the number on the back of the card, under the bar code to link it. Once linked, every time you use your card at Kroger, the Wesley receives a small portion of the purchase at NO extra cost to YOU!